Forms & Remind Sign-Up
WIS Late Bus Form
Remind Sign-up
To receive messages via text message:
1. Text @indigo1819 to 81010
2. Reply to the message from Remind with your first and last name.
To receive messages via push notification:
1. Download the Remind App--either from your phone's app store or go to to install the app.
2. Once downloaded, create a parent account with your email address.
3. Go to the 'Classes' tab, tap the +, and enter our class code: @indigo1819
Remind Sign-up
To receive messages via text message:
1. Text @indigo1819 to 81010
2. Reply to the message from Remind with your first and last name.
To receive messages via push notification:
1. Download the Remind App--either from your phone's app store or go to to install the app.
2. Once downloaded, create a parent account with your email address.
3. Go to the 'Classes' tab, tap the +, and enter our class code: @indigo1819